Mr Dilly’s history content is being updated. If you would like access to any of the videos below please email. Thank you.


Bring primary key stage history topics to life with Mr Dilly’s World of History - free, fun, educational video history teaching resources for primary schools.

Each video is packed full of important historical events and characters speaking direct to the camera, transporting your class straight into the time period and the heart of the action!

Mr Dilly’s World of History primary resources compliment primary school history teaching and the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 National Curriculum, helping boost your class’s engagement, enjoyment and understanding. So get ready to Laugh, Learn and Discover more, and leap into the lives of Julius Caesar, Captain Blackbeard, Samuel Pepys and Tutankhamen to name but a few, with Mr Dilly’s free educational video history lesson resources - offering a unique look at the past from the people who would have been there!

Roman Legionarie


Primary History KS2 Ancient Romans Teaching Resource

in Britain

Primary History KS2 Romans & Celts Teaching Resource

Mr Dilly as Captain Blackbeard

Pirates and Buccaneers

Primary History KS1 / KS2 Pirates Teaching Resource

Mr Dilly as Charles Dickens

Very Victorian Christmas

Primary History KS1 / KS2 Victorian Teaching Resource

Air Raid Warden

World War

Primary History KS2 World War II Teaching Resource

Rameses II

Ancient Egyptians

Primary History KS2 Ancient Egypt Teaching Resource

Spartan Greek Soldier


Primary History KS2 Ancient Greece Teaching Resource

Samuel Pepys

Great Fire
of London

Primary History KS1 Great Fire Teaching Resource